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The Hellfire Pass Interpretive Centre

GPS were engaged by the Department of Veterans’ Affairs (DVA) to project manage the refurbishment of the Hellfire Pass Interpretative Centre in Kanchanaburi, Thailand.


The Centre provides visitors with an understanding of the experience of Allied Prisoners of War and Asian Labourers under the Japanese during the construction of the Burma-Thailand Railway.

GPS were responsible for the development of the project scope, engagement and management of all consultants and contractors including the architect, interpretative designer and multimedia production contractor.

GPS worked closely with DVA to ensure that the interpretative content reflected their vision and that the interpretative solution was appropriate for the remote Thai location.


The interpretative content carries beyond the Centre building and out into the landscape to the site of the railway and Hellfire Pass cutting via audio guides and signage which were also part of GPS’ project management scope. The refurbished Centre opened in December 2018.

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